Kick-Off Conference for the Chemsex Reception in Malmö
Kick-Off Conference for the Chemsex Reception in Malmö

Before, During and After Chemsex: Navigating through Sexuality and Substance Use. A Nordic and Global Perspective

We are excited to invite you to the kick-off conference for our start-up, Chemwise!

Chemwise is a newly launched organisation under Positiva Gruppen Syd, a non-profit patient association that works for individuals living with or affected by HIV.

The long-term goal of the project is to maintain a low-threshold clinic in Malmö for people engaging in sexualized drug use (with focus in chemsex) who seek support. Additionally, the project aims to reduce risks associated with HIV/STIs, mental health issues, and addiction, while also contributing to gender equality and equitable health outcomes. This will be achieved by increasing professionalization within healthcare and educating the general public, ultimately reducing both societal and self-stigma.

It will be an inspiring and educational day where we will listen, engage in dialogue, and learn more about chemsex and its societal impact. The event is suitable for professionals who encounter this target group directly or indirectly in their work, as well as individuals with personal experience in sexualized drug use.

We will be joined by keynote speakers Stu Fenton from Australia and Andrés Lekanger from Norway, specialists who will share their expertise and knowledge in the field. In addition, there will be workshops and interactive sessions in the afternoon, providing opportunities for discussion and reflection together.

Our aim is to raise awareness and understanding, promote better care approaches within the healthcare system, and reduce the stigma experienced by the target group.

Date: May 21, 2024

Time: 08:30 – 15:30

Venue: Elite Hotel, Esplanaden (Mäster Johansgatan 15, 211 21 Malmö)

For the detailed program and more information about the speakers, see below.

Note: Lectures and workshops will be held in English.

8.30 – 9.00 Registration, coffee and sandwiches.
9.00 – 9.10 Intro. Anton Yashin (Sweden)
9.10 – 9.45 Launch of Sweden’s Second Ever Chemsex Reception (Malmö, Skåne). Anton Yashin (Sweden), Hannah Ureke (Sweden)
9.45 – 10.30 Empowering Health Care Workers. A Human Right Approach
to Chemsex and Sexualized Drug Use. Lecture, part 1. Stu Fenton (Australia / Germany).
10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break.
10.45 – 11.15 Empowering Health Care Workers. A Human Right Approach to Chemsex and Sexualized Drug Use. Lecture, part 2. Stu Fenton (Australia / Germany).
11.15 – 12.00 Chemsex User Organisation: A Nordic Best Practice. Andrés Lekanger (Norway)
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch.
13.00 – 14.00 Empathy in Action: Navigating the Journey of a Chemsex Service User. Workshop, part 1. Stu Fenton (Australia / Germany).
14.00 -14.15 Coffee break.
14.15 – 15.15 Role Play with a Chemsex Service User. Workshop, part 2. Stu Fenton (Australia / Germany).
15.15 – 15.30 Conclusion.

Our speakers

Stu Fenton, Clinical Gestalt Therapist, Chemsex Therapist and Sex Addiction Therapist (Australia / Germany).

Stu Fenton is an experienced clinical psychotherapist and counselor with over 18 years of expertise in addiction treatment. Having overcome his chemsex addiction in the past, today he’s known for his pioneering work in developing world-leading clinical programs, including the R12 Alumni Project and the ChemSex Abstinence Project. Currently based in Berlin, Stu is completing an International Master’s in Social Work and Human Rights while continuing his private practice, focusing mainly on the LGBT+ community. Stu’s commitment to supporting individuals in their recovery journey shines through his ongoing work and facilitation of alcohol and drug recovery groups.

Andrés Lekanger, Founder & Chairman Chemfriendly Norge (Norway)

Andrés Lekanger has a bachelor’s degree as a Social Educator. His day-to-day job combines an emergency public housing service via Oslo municipality, the safe consumption room and the Heroin assisted treatment therapy at Oslo University Hospital. He also works as a spokesperson for the Sex workers rights organization in Norway (PION), and has previously published a book “Prostitusjon. Pro et contra”. As a founder and chairman, Andrés utilizes both his professional healthcare and peer backgrounds in Chemfriendy Norway, a user organization for queers and sex workers affected by illegal drug use focusing on harm reduction and patient & user advocacy within the healthcare system.


Anton Yashin, Founder & Project Lead Chemwise, Project Lead PGSyd (Sweden)

Anton holds a specialist degree in PR and Advertising (Russia) and a master’s degree in Leadership & Organization: Societal Challenges & Organizational Changes (Sweden). Having worked for over 12 years in global corporations in marketing, change and transformation management, last year he fully transitioned his professional life to social change. Anton’s belonging to different marginalized communities, including his own background of sexualized drug use and chemsex, stipulated his motivation to launch Chemwise.

Hannah Ureke, Project Executive Chemwise & PGSyd (Sweden)

Hannah is an addiction therapist and has been working in the field of social work for the past 10 years. She has also worked in social psychiatry and with women’s health. Soon Hannah will get her new certificate as a relationship therapist. Together with Anton she works hard to enable and maintain an efficient functioning of Chemwise, Sweden’s second ever chemsex reception.